We’re now Codence, Inc.
Our company has been growing and evolving – and, as you can see, we’ve rebranded to become Codence, Inc.
New Millennium has a proud legacy within the FileMaker community. While perhaps best known for its plug-ins and Genesis Financial Suite, the company has enjoyed a rich history led by one of its original founders, Danny Mack. MetadataMagic sat in many a developer’s toolbox, and the team earned a track record in file format conversions and security.
It’s been a while since the last “new” millennium (we hope to be well retired and living on Mars by the next one), and as we embark on this new chapter for the company, we felt its brand didn’t entirely describe what we do.
FileMaker is evolving too…
FileMaker itself has evolved: it has become a citizen among a wide array of technologies, its capabilities have grown, and the kinds of problems we solve for our clients have become more and more complex – both from a coding standpoint, but, more importantly, from a strategic one as well.
A lot of thought has gone into defining the Workplace Innovation Platform strategy at FileMaker, Inc. The team there is working on new features and bringing a renewed focus to its broader ecosystem with partnerships, integrated technologies, and third-party products.
When we view the world today, we don’t live in a silo. When you say you do FileMaker development, that means a great deal more than it used to. We deploy to the Cloud with Amazon Web Services, on mobile devices, and elsewhere. We integrate with everything from Excel, Tableau, and Jira to barcode readers, using FileMaker’s native REST API and other techniques. We build integrated websites and write code with JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Node.js. Rarely is FileMaker the only technology we use to solve problems nowadays.
We write software.
When thinking about our brand, it really boiled down to this: we write software.
Yet there’s a whole lot more to it than that. Many people write software – there are folks who, at this very moment, are working on the software that will help get us to Mars someday; however, it’s unlikely they’ll be much help streamlining your business processes.
At Codence, our mission is to unlock the power of data for our clients. We want to help our clients succeed, grow their companies, empower their decision-making, and provide deep insight into their businesses.
Here in 2018 we’re all awash in data, technologies, apps, spreadsheets, floods of email, deluges of messages, new tools, clouds, widgets, operating systems (plural!), and so much more. Running a business has become increasingly demanding and is often now a 24/7 activity for many company leaders. Working smarter is no longer a key to efficiency, it’s a requirement for survival.
Codence is here to help. Financial data lives at the heart of every company, which is where we begin. We build business intelligence solutions that empower leaders to cut through the chaff and focus on the right data. We craft solutions that help tie information together. We invent apps to help productivity, efficiency, and communication. We create software to… make sense.
Codence = code + sense.
It sounds deceptively easy, but simplicity is often hard to do well. Voltaire was the first to write that, “Common sense is not so common.” We’ve certainly seen that proven at times in the technology world.
We look forward to the years ahead of FileMaker’s continued growth, as well as guiding our clients with solid, pragmatic, genuinely useful technology choices that empower real innovation.
— Scott Love, CEO
December 15, 2018
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